I read somewhere that meds actually work best for inattentive type and don't help as much with kids whose main issue is impulsivity. I think DD is combined type and DS7 is inattentive type (but very mild/borderline). We did do a trial of meds with DS and he did act more focused and motivated when medicated (even on a tiny dose, like 5 mg. per day). Usually what happened was he started talking about cleaning things and doing work about an hour after being medicated (without being asked) and would go about doing those things, whereas otherwise he acts kind of like a slug (playing minecraft all day). We also saw improvements in his speech and some of his motor behaviors (he is dyspraxic). I just don't know if meds are worth it when he's not seriously impaired without them. His teacher doesn't have a problem with him, but she doesn't have him doing much work either (compared to the last one). It's a judgment call. I'm actually going in to talk to his IEP manager about this issue tomorrow...should be interesting to see what she says about medicated vs. unmedicated.