DS12 (2e - Asperger's) is having a terrible time with school, and I am taking him to the doctor soon. He has close to zero executive functioning (organization, time management, prioritizing, focusing), cannot keep his mind on what he's supposed to be doing for two seconds, and is getting depressed about how far behind he is getting with school work and the way he can't seem to do what he needs to be doing.
I really think he has ADD -- not ADHD, as he's not hyper in the least -- does this fit with anyone's experiences in the matter?
Of course, if he's playing Minecraft or his other games, he can sit there all day, so I don't know if it qualifies. But I can ask him to look something up, and by the time I get across the kitchen he's gotten sidetracked and forgotten about it. And even when he's not getting lost playing a game instead of working, he can just be sitting there staring at the computer, having forgotten what he was going to work on. And I understand all of this perfectly, because I'm exactly the same way, which doesn't help.
If it is ADD, what treatments does anyone here recommend? What have you used?