Thanks, polar bear! To answer some of your questions, so is falling behind on keeping up with progressing her reading. She blew her LB goals out of the water: their intervention worked beautifully. That's why I tend to think it's not eyesight, but more likely dyslexia. Of course I could be completely wrong.

I don't completely understand what you mean about approaching the district. Although I understand the importance of bringing up the challenges my daughter faces, so far that is met with "gee, that sounds frustrating, but our tests show she's not eligible for services." The LB tutoring (4 hours/day, 5 days/week for the month just prior to school starting) catapulted her into the normal range.

So I want to bring them more evidence that there is a relationship between ADHD and reading disability, so they will help me document whatever needs to be documented to provide DD7 services. The special ed teacher totally gets it, but the rest of the staff doesn't believe she has any reading issues.

I await the final written report from LB...