Hi - DS4 was a 20-minute cat napper. We had about a 6-month period just around age 3, when he took 2-3 hour naps. Yay! but when he was <1, pretty much the only naps he would take would be in the baby bjorn or in the car. He would not transfer from carseat to anywhere either. Ugh. (He did transfer and continue sleeping once -when he was 3 and had run around Legoland in CA all day. I guess complete exhaustion is the ticket!

I have to admit, though, that DS has always been a good night sleeper. He has always slept 10-12 at night, no problems. (Well, I did nurse him to sleep for quite a long time...and now we have to "just stay in my room for a little bit" at bedtime.) But we gave up on napping somewhere before 3.5, I think.