Thank you polarbear. I'm having trouble separating the "chicken from the egg" in regards to my son's behavior.

DS is clearly angry about not having any friends at school- and it's aggravating his misbehavior in both places. I'm concerned because although DS is articulate on how he feels excluded and friendless, he's not showing much insight into his role in the situation.

I think ADHD inattentive is a possibility- but we're dealing with extreme frustration, perfectionism, anxiety, and overall social awkwardness and immaturity. Given that DS's attention is highly selective- there's a part of me that wonders if it's not ADHD at all, but HFA (or at least borderline enough to cause a lot of issues).

All of this will be answered with a full evaluation and a psychologist who specializes in gifted kids. We're so incredibly lucky to have DS taken on by this doctor. Her speciality is gifted children, she facilitates social groups, and runs parent support groups. Our whole family is alternating sad for and exasperated at DS- so we may all require a group:)