I've been exploring the answer to this question for weeks now. What I have found is that for each person you ask, you get a different opinion-even within the same district. The state department of ed says one thing and a school psychologist working in the system says the opposite.

I feel a significant resistance in my district to help my HG son. I feel that they resent his talent and reject his need. I'm starting to sense that maybe they just don't know HOW to help him. I wish they would just say that instead of stonewalling.

I guess I share this because I was spending a lot of time on this and getting nowhere. I'm not suggesting you give up your pursuit, but don't feel crazy if this remains murky. That's what I've been feeling wink

I'm also going to change the conversation with my school. They've told me repeatedly what they CAN'T do. I'm going to start asking what they CAN do and fill in the gaps on my own. I can try and force them to see the law and DS's need, but that is a long battle. All the while, there is a child who needs help NOW.

Just two cents from a newbie wink