Originally Posted by Tiz2008
Thanks so much to everyone for their useful input - I really appreciate it. I have now booked the iq test for the psychologist - WISC IV. She also wanted to know if I needed the achievement test as well (WIAT) - I was thinking yes, as this may serve to further show if there is a LD - does anyone have any comments on this?

thanks again,

Hi Tiz!
Welcome. I'm so glad you are here!
I think it's a great move that you are going for testing. It's really hard internally to get over the 'well the teacher says it ain't broke, so what's wrong with me for wanting to fix it?' BTDT - what a waste.

Now, I'm going to be a bit of a grump, or perhaps my outward-directed perfectionism is showing, but are you really thrilled about your tester? You didn't seem to be head over heels in any of your posts, and I'm wondering with your son that you might need a real superhuman type to unravel his mystery. HG isn't 'garden variety' gifted, so if you aren't dazzled by your daughter's tester, don't be afraid to say - hey - if this were easy, we would have figured it out by now, I'm going to travel for this one.

Maybe you can list your top 5 areas where you can stay with relatives plus your home (don't tell us which is which) and we can PM you our favorite testers.

I'm not trying to put your current tester down, and they may be the the best choice, but I want to support you if there is a worried spot in you that says, "This is really unusual and I need to travel for this one."

After all, if you was so impressed by your tester after your daughter's experience, you would have signed your son up right away, even if it meant being embarrassed by his 'average' output, no?

Either Way - Best Wishes,

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