I am resurrecting this thread in order to gratefully thank both EandCmom and Grinity for recommending I take DD6 to a behavioral optometrist.

I used the above link, EandCmom, to find one in my area and made an appointment. I just got off the phone with her and she was great. She seemed to know exactly what I was talking about when I gave the history and asked tons of questions that were so relevant to what I have been observing with DD.

What compelled me to finally make the appointment was this link:


I can't remember who posted it originally, but thank you!

I thought DD for sure had a tracking issue, so I had her play the "games" which may indicate if the child is having some trouble.
No issues. In fact I went down the whole list and she quickly and easily did all the "games" as she does with most new activities. But when we got to the section for visual perception she was literally stopped in her tracks. She could not do 4 out of the 5 excercises.

Now obviously this is not a diagnostic tool, but it was enough to warrant the appointment and I am very pleased with the Doctor I found throught the COVD website.

Either way I will be so happy to either address the issue or rule out a visual processing disorder.

I will follow up in a few weeks when I have more information, but this is something I would have had no idea about checking into had it not been for the kind people willing to share and participate on this board.

((warm hugs))