Tiz2008 - welcome!! Your DS sounds very similar to my DS10. He started talking about 8 months, speaking in full sentences about 15 months, etc. However, he did not teach himself to read and when he did learn to read he'd start out on one line and then wind up on another line, he'd reverse words (saw for was) and his handwriting was atrocious (sadly still is). He was reading way above grade level and making great grades so his teachers kept telling me nothing was wrong and that it was just a maturity issue. I finally had enough and told his teacher this past year something was wrong and I wanted to know what to do. She gave me an OT check list and all of his problems feel under visual perception issues. I had him evaluated and he has a visual tracking/perception problem and he has been receiving therapy for it since last October. It has made a world of difference in his life and I only wish I had found out the problem sooner. Check out www.covd.org for more information if this sounds like something that might be going on with your DS.

I have told this story many times here and I am sure people are tired of hearing about it - LOL!!!! - so if you want more information send me a pm. Look under my stuff at the top and go to messages. Hope this helps!!! I know how frustrating these things can be. crazy