My son took the WISC a couple of weeks ago, and while I posted this on the testing board, I feel like I should ask about it on this board as well. He is tested HG, I feel he's more EG, but maybe I'm fooling myself.

He qualified for DYS with his WJ-III, but his WISC GAI was 139.
Here are his WISC scores,
VCI 138
similarities 17
vocab 17
comprehension 15
PRI 127
Block 16
Pictures 14
Matrix 13
WMI 123
digit span 14
letter-number sequencing 14
PSI 78
coding 3 !?!?!
Symbol search 9
FSIQ 124
GAI 139
He took both the SB-V and WPPSI at 4 and scored 140 & 139 respectively. The wppsi 139 was with a 30 point discrepancy between verbal and non verbal. His verbal was 147.
He did say that on the block part he went "slow on purpose." He pretends to be characters in books sometimes, and he wanted to be like the bullies in Big Nate and get in trouble. This doesn't explain the coding, but maybe he was just not in a good testing mood.
He's always had "attention problems." He was diagnosed superficially at 5 with ADD, but I homeschool him so I make accommodations as I see the need.
AEH mentioned NVLD as a possibility, and everything but the social aspects sounds like him. Coordination issues, fine motor weakness, etc.
We are looking for a neuropsych now, but I really want to find someone who deals with gifted kids.
The 3 in coding has really thrown me. I don't want to read too much into one score, but at the same time, I want to be proactive.
Does anyone have experience with a scatter like this? How should I proceed?