I also am wondering if you can advocate for a better school fit. I have the experience of having a child who can just make it through the extremely boring, but high pressure for behavior (considering how little there is to learn) school day and then sometimes having explosive or sad reactions when arriving home. Usually this was when a worksheet assigned for homework was just the last straw.

Ask your child what they might change about their school day, or what they are learning etc. When I said that this was the chance for me to try to help get things changed, that brought hope and emotional support and it really did help. I went to the teacher and school counselor and explained everything, and they did make the first of many changes, including subject acceleration and a grade skip.

It may not change your route for counseling, etc, but if you are spending 8 hours in a hopeless (to you) situation, that must make it worse.

I have read that HG people can "figure out" their therapists, and that might be what is happening with your child. Maybe finding someone who knows more about gifted kids, or educating the therapist, might help.