Originally Posted by polarbear
I would not over-worry or over-think this decision either way - if you think he'd benefit from switching to gifted math, I'd advocate for it, but otoh if you think he's happy and ok for this year where he's at, I'd let him stay...

1) If you *do* decide to advocate to get him into the gifted math pull-out, I'd take a second-look at the questions he's missed in previous testing...

2) Since there's the possibility of dyslexia/dysgraphia, my main focus at this point would be on the further testing you need to determine what's up, and then focus on remediation and putting accommodations in place...

3) I wouldn't worry about whether or not math was a favorite subject for my child as a requirement for accelerating him in math. You might be surprised to find that once he's accelerated and challenged math actually becomes his favorite subject, or he might never ever like math at all - but neither one of those is a reason to accelerate/not accelerate. Would you hold your ds back a year if the school asked you to just because he hadn't shown enthusiasm about moving forward to the next grade?

Hope that makes sense - good luck with your advocating!


Thank you, very good insight and advice!

I agree if DS is happy I don't "mind" him being in general education. I think/thought his errors in math were d/t lack of attention in general/boredom/goofing off. Which is a problem if that's because he's bored from the easiness. IDK if it's maturity, boredom, or what.

I think I will focus on repeat testing and then if something is found I'll have all my ducks in a row for the next phase. This plan won't work though unless there is a LD or there's a dramatic increase in abilities from now until the next time I look into placing him in gifted program.

I also agree regarding the math subject. That's why I fought for him for so long during the conference before giving up the battle. I didn't mention in my first post, but the gifted program in our school is struggling. They lost a teacher, had nothing assigned until after school started, many of the students are getting much less service than they used to, etc. I'm silently wondering if they are just overwhelmed and see DS struggling and figure if that's something they can get off their plate until next year, why not? I don't want to make it sound like a purposeful thing (which is why I didn't mention it before). I'm sure a 2e child is not exactly the most straightforward child to instruct, though, IYKWIM?

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.