Originally Posted by Quantum2003
Since you are proceeding with repeat testing, I would be inclined to get a clearer understanding of his issues before approaching the school...Furthermore, you can absolutely acquire knowledge/skills in much of elementary math without formal teaching/curriculum.

Thank you for this perspective. After speaking with the gifted teachers and them discussing what the students do/are doing (after I had just explained about our concerns for LD), I then had to clearly explain that if he has a LD he would likely not be able to do what she was explaining (extensive writing, etc) ever or at least not this year.

It left me thinking they did not want to accommodate, when in reality I'm wondering if they may not know how to accommodate or not have much experience in it because they're gifted. I don't know how many 2e kids they have but I'm left wondering what their practical experience is with 2e. If I have some objective advice on how to accommodate besides some vague statement to do it if needed, I think it would help us, as well as an official diagnosis.

I'm doing a lot more math games with DS, and will look into living math types of stuff at home.

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.