Originally Posted by Mahagogo5
we are just starting to get a view of the extra curricular future $$$ and to be honest I'm a little freaked out!

I've been freaking out for some time now so I completely understand.

Paying for DD's music lessons made our shoe-string budget even tighter. It affects our quality of life as we can't eat out as much and we can't go on vacation anymore except for a weekend here and there. We paid quite a bit for ballet too and I don't think it was a waste since she got a lot of socialization out of it but I wouldn't have paid for private lessons or summer intensive camp for ballet at her age.

It's a bit different for music since DD seems to need music and withholding music lessons feels like we are depriving her of appropriate education so we do what we can do but she seems to just need more and more.

Generally speaking, my suggestion would be to explore different activities until she finds her passion but with piano, your DD might do better if she gets a private teacher who gets her. If she still doesn't seem to love it and still doesn't want to practice, you can always revert back to group lessons.