Hi thanks so far - she is doing piano and gymnastics.

Gymnastics we are prepared to give away when she starts school as she is prob more interested in ballet anyway, though she seems to be completely incapable (face planting, tripping etc) but the thing is she is physically gifted and when the class is not on she gets on the equipment and does all her stuff perfectly. I think this could be her overexcitability at play here - she just gets soooo distracted.

With piano, although she doesn't love it I want her to keep it up to help with her over excitabilities. She really enjoys the group class because there's lots of singing and dancing (ISM) but the theory moves along at such a pace and is a bit black and white that you can see she is visibly 2 steps behind everyone else. I think perhaps its not being able to interpret what the teacher says into she what needs to do fast enough. Again when at home, shown once she plays well and despite not practising (arrgh) is in the top 2 kids in class.

We actually tried to quite last term which resulted in the school making quite a few shuffles in schedule to accommodate us which was a bit naughty of them because I know other parents were refused. So they obviously see some raw ability. although after a monumental finger licking session in class today (due to the material being presented in a boring way according to dd - not enough colour!!!) I'm pretty sure they are regretting that decision :-)

The reasons that we haven't sprung for private is the the ISM make a pretty strong case about the benefit of group lessons, she isn't in love with it (I'll admit this is from me not her) and the expense. We can afford it but even at 4 we are just starting to get a view of the extra curricular future $$$ and to be honest I'm a little freaked out!