I empathize with your desire to improve the school year for your daughter. I too often feel pangs of impatience myself at the beginning of the school year but I'd second the point that you need to have some concrete goals that are achievable to make the letter worthwhile. If you just want to meet the teacher and get the relationship going then I'd try to have a casual conversation at the school perhaps during pickup/drop off as a starting point instead.

Also, its a lot of work getting a classroom going and understanding 20+ odd new students so you have to allow some time for that process to occur before you're likely to get much traction on something new you're springing on them. If you do continue with a letter I'd add a nod to that like "I know that the beginning of school is an extremely busy time for teachers but ..." Do you have a curriculum night/open house at your school early on? That's about the time I'd spring to action and in the meantime I'd provide opportunities at home to fill the gap.

Last edited by Ben leis; 08/15/14 10:08 AM. Reason: grammar