She can take the WIAT-III as soon as she turns four. Unless you are looking at qualifying for DYS or other programs of that nature, though, achievement scores from this early will probably not help you for kindergarten/first grade entry. (Also, four-year-olds cannot obtain age-normed standard scores on the whole battery, only on specific subtests: oral language, early reading skills, not much in the way of real academics.) Even if they were to show that she is ready for first grade now (!), they would not give you current information for instructional placement two years down the road. Unless you are considering early entry to kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year, in which case one year old data -might- still be useful. (What is your cutoff date for kindergarten entry? Is it five by Sep 1? Will she have missed the cutoff by two months next fall, or would she be going to kindergarten anyway?)

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...