Not sure where you are located, but you could check school policy to see if they allow any kids to start Kindergarten a year early. Some districts have a policy that states that kids can start early if they are close to the cut-off (in our district I think they have to have a fall birthday--cut-off is 9-1). I dropped the ball and did not have DD tested to start early. She missed the cut-off by about 7 weeks, so was one of the older kids in the class. I wasn't really aware of how abnormal it was (in our district) that she was reading fluently. She was basically way ahead of all the other kids, plus older, causing a very poor fit. If I had known the district could have tested her to see if she met their achievement criteria to start early(I think 90th percentile),then that would have solved a big problem. I think they charge a small fee, like $95, but that's a lot cheaper than doing it privately and then trying to convince them to accept outside results. We ended up grade accelerating later, and for acceleration they demanded higher achievement results, like 98th percentile instead of 90th.