He wants to keep the description of him being "a beast" on the computer ... (eye roll).
I actually really liked that part!

Overall, I think the rewrite does a great job of straddling the line between his honest feelings and what is socially acceptable and can be (accurately) conveyed in a "sound bite."
Just fyi, I know many teachers encourage younger students not to share personal information because they are worried that the parents will be upset. Many parents are extremely private re: their children's medical diagnoses and I have teacher friends who were yelled at by parents when it came up in class, even though at times the student him/herself started the discussion. So, I would reassure your son that they most likely did not want him to feel in any way ashamed, but not all kids are as smart and mature as him and therefore able to make appropriate decisions on what medical info to share. I'm sure if they thought you had worked with him and were okay with sharing it (say in an "All About Me" poster that was done at home), they would have been fine with it.