He was in speech and occupational therapy early on. He used to be ambidextrous up until he started school. The occupational therapist taught him to use a tripod hold on the pencil but he still uses his fist to hold utensils and other items. He is near sighted and has suffered from headaches from the age of 7. The optometrist evaluated him and found him to have minor astigmatisms and he is near sighted. I was unaware of developmental optometrists until recently but we will get a referral to one at his upcoming appointment. He will be getting a referral to the same psychologist my younger son uses as well.

A little back story on him: He was 6 weeks premature due to severe preeclampsia but weighed in at 8lbs 3oz (I have big babies). He needed some extra care at the hospital with suctioning and feeding. He was lactose intolerant to the lactose in breast milk and had sensitivities to soy and lactose/lactose free formulas. He had to be put on a special diet of formula that was already broken down for easy digestion. He was hospitalized at 3 weeks with projectile vomiting and difficulties eating. He was also hospitalized 3 times before age 2 for RSV. He had multiple ear infections resulting in ruptured ear drums 3 times and ended up with tubes placed. He also had severe issues with strep throat and high fevers resulting in scarlett fever. His tonsils and adenoids had to be removed at 5 as well.

He was a summer birthday and fell into the group where he could attend kindergarten at 5 or 6, even taking into account the actual BD vs due date. We chose to start him at 5 based on the recommendations of his therapy team.