I would be a little concerned that her case is unusual, and that she is the only 9th grader taking Algebra II. Of course, the public or parochial school options may not be reasonable options - I can only compare to schools I know.

While the private schools around here are larger, mine was not much larger - I had 45 in my class. At my alma mater, there are three modern language choices, plus Latin. 9th graders take Algebra II unless they somehow got behind in math...so you can understand my confusion.

I think you have mentioned that you have/had kids at the local public school? Is public school not an option for HS? Not that she wants to change schools at this point, but just wondering what the math and language options would have been there. Also, with only two years of Spanish required, what is the private school college counselor's take on years of foreign language taken? It isn't too early to start talking to the counselor - after all, you are paying for this.