DD's school is a very small private school. DD is going into 9th grade, so HS. She only has about 35 kids in her grade. She really is the only one in her grade taking Algebra II this year. I am guessing that the other students taking Algebra II are in a higher-level spanish class or not also trying to take band.) The school looked at trying to rearrange the entire course schedule to accommodate DD, but just couldn't make it work.

Her doing Algebra II this year is not up for debate. The school just says that, because of scheduling conflicts, she must choose between taking Spanish or Band in order for her math schedule to work. But my DD wants to take both Spanish and Band this year (and every year; the school does offer up through Spanish IV; there is middle school Spanish but that is a different animal and only 9th grade up can take Spanish I). Her idea is to do math by independent study so that she can take both band and Spanish this year. The counselor has expressed that this is unlikely to work, although they would discuss it with the academic dean and the math teacher. We - DD, DH, and I - think it would be a good solution for this year, and hopefully next year she could resume taking math in the classroom. She is HG+ (>99.9), very mature, and has shown through having to navigate a slightly-off schedule last year that she is very good at managing herself.

We do plan for DD to be there at the meeting in a couple of weeks. We just want to make sure that we have our ducks in a row before heading into the meeting.

Last edited by mnmom23; 07/22/14 06:08 PM. Reason: More anonymity, hopefully.

She thought she could, so she did.