Take it day by day. Doesn't that sound so wise and philosophical? Realistically, though, you don't really have a choice!
You can influence the PS, but you can't control what they do. PS can be a dream come true, not quite a disappointment, or a total nightmare, you won't know until you're in it.
Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
I REALLY like Aleks math for afterschooling. They cover all that geometry stuff, it's well done. For purposes of after-schooling for a child who advance quickly.....I think DD could get away with 30 minutes a day, 2x per week. If she wants to do more, great, go for it.
My big thing lately is homework. I not going to scream at the school if DD's aren't working at their learning level all day. But I DO NOT want to see homeword come home covering material they are already proficient in.
Okay, I'm going to sleep now, you should too!!!! smile

Sleep on it!