We are mostly likely sending our dd#1 who is 6 from her self-contained small gt school into 2nd grade in public. my options are down to flexible catholic that will allow grade floating but not gt services or public with 225 mins/week of gt and no floating (plus i'm really not catholic but still pray for me).

I looked at the everday math chapters. She's already done all but two of the chapters (and I say that because i'm not sure what 3-d shapes chapter covers but am assuming area etc.) Oh yes it is "everyday math" isn't that one of the least popular on this site.

So if one can homeschool part-time, can't i have her do math with a tutor (but in school).if they won't float her into a different class?

She'll be happy about the decision... but she also doesn't know what it means.

Help, I'm hyperventalating.... must, must find chocolate or a drink or a chocolate drink.