I meant to say something about the Lego Robotics group. The first time my DS tried a Lego Robotics camp at 11, it didn't click for him. He was on the older end of the group who attended and even though the material was really appropriate for him and I thought he would love it. It was a new program in my area and they were having a hard time attracting preteens. It's been a few years and now my DS has joined the H.S. Lego Robotics team. Not sure how he is doing with it but he seems to enjoy it.

We also tried a university based gifted camp one summer where my son took a Physics and Chemistry class. He really enjoyed it and although the students did get to take class in an actual LAB, they weren't really allowed to do much because of legal reasons.

My DH is also one of those who can master seemingly any topic in no time. It makes for his relationship with my DS15 a bit rough because he expects him to be like that as well and this strains their relationship.