(Crossed posts with you)
Oh-- and be prepared to argue to accelerate even with those ideas. It sounds as though your DS would really love some of the creativity involved in LEGO robotics in particular.

But being HG+, he'll need to be with those older kids in order to be challenged. DD found that about a 2-3Y acceleration put her into the sweet spot with programming and robotics work at your DS' age and just past it (she's PG, but not especially so in STEM in particular).
I have to agree that without having even had algebra or geometry yet... um-- your DS isn't prepared even for intro courses in college science subjects-- and not by a very wide margin, truthfully. "Intuitive" understanding of classical mechanics is... again, trying to be diplomatic here and likely failing (apologies) often OVER-RATED by engineers, in my experience. Yes, this is good-- certainly better than a lack of such intuition-- but it doesn't substitute for a theoretical understanding. This is a divide that is commonly termed "book smart" versus "good with one's hands." Kids who are profoundly good at the latter are still going to be challenged significantly by the former, (and
vice versa, which in general people seem to accept much more readily).
Feeding his interest and enthusiasm, and letting him explore his creativity, though-- that's going to be a challenge, particularly if your own interests/expertise isn't in STEM.
But this is a challenge in a GOOD way, not in a scary way.