Originally Posted by KTPie
Yes, it is after-school and weekends. Just wondering if anyone here has tried it.
You may be referring to Russian School of Math (RSM) http://www.russianschool.com/ , which my 8yo boy started this spring and which his 7yo sister will start in September. There are locations in 6 states, with more than half in Massachusetts and California. My son has liked RSM and does not complain about it being too easy, as he does about regular school math (the school system uses Everyday Math). There is a weekly 2-hour class with about 10 students. There is a regular and advanced class for each grade, with placement determined by a pre-test. They don't readily place students in an above-grade class, which is why my eldest son is not in RSM. The homework assignments, which I help him with, are challenging but not unreasonable. Maybe I can post a few homework problems to give a flavor of what 3rd grade math covers.

Some of the results of RSM students are listed at http://www.russianschool.com/about-us/our-results . This year also held its own contest (open to anyone) and held an awards ceremony for children who did well in its contest or AMC or on the SAT. It was the first time my 8yo was in an academic awards ceremony.

Most of the teachers are Russian women. They have started an online program http://www.russianschool.com/location/online that we have not tried.

Some discussion of the motivation for sending children to a place like RSM is at http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....enting_arms_race_article.html#Post186539 .