Just an update... I know I'm preaching to the choir here but the meeting was a total disaster. The assistant principal, who was supposed to be there, was not. In her place was someone from central office who claimed she'd been "briefed" and then proceeded to ask me for DS's first and last name. It only went downhill from there. No one came to the table prepared. No one had any data on his progress/performance. No one had specific plans for him for next year. They assured me that they will "differentiate" but then could not explain how. They actually said, "We'll have to wait and see" and "usually we wait 6 weeks for kids to adjust to the full day before we change anything". When asked what the school has done in the past for students like our son, no one could answer. No one there had been working in the district for more than three years. They have never accelerated and would never accelerate. He's a boy, he's small, etc., etc. In one breath, they would say how they've never seen scores so high and then, in the next breath, they assured me that he's in a "smart cohort" of kids "just like him." That this town is full of professionals and highly educated individuals and there are "lots of kids" like our son (town population- 7,000).

We are homeschooling.