I'm looking for:
1. Advice for securing accommodations for 2e child above grade level in achievement?
2. Advice for how to use technology to help compensate for his deficit in writing.
Re No. 1, IN my state the courts have held specifically that above grade level achievement is not a reason for denying a child with an LD services. You just have to prove the LD. Where are you? I am in PA. Pursue the diagnosis. Get them in writing clearly. I got my son's privately (a neuropsych and a neurologist) and through school. School was tricker. When I first requested he be tested for dyslexia and dysgraphia they gave him IQ tests, achievement and a bunch of ADHD rating scales. Nothing was accomplished. Then I got smart. I made them give him very specific tests for writing (I can list them for you). I was very specific and I refused to give consent for rating scales, etc. I insisted they focus on writing and specific tests disorder of written expression. It worked, the results were undeniable. This kid despite a high IQ can not write. I got the Dx privately as well.
Re NO.2, I am getting my son a private "assistive technology eval" to answer this very question. I requested one from the school as well. Not sure how good the school's will be but that is why I am getting the private. I will share what I find out but I would encourage you to do the same. For now, DS gets scribes and gets to keyboard (his choice).
I hope to have more time to help you tomorrow! Do a search on dysgraphia here - it'll help you a lot!