This Spring we started IQ and achievement testing for DD9 and all those tests led us to today's appointment where the latest psychologist claimed that our DD has ADHD inattentive type. I would like to hear some thoughts and advice. I will put out what we know so far. Sorry for the length of post.

-DD: incredibly disorganized, cannot do multi-step tasks unless you write down the items, and she checks them off. She knows that she has “forgetfulness” which has caused her to believe that she is “stupid”. On the other hand she can focus for hours at a time on drawing and writing. When I read to her and DD10 at night, she has to do something else at the same time (Rainbow Looms or drawing). Teacher has noticed the same things (and has been sooooo patient). DD never gets in trouble at school, is a model student, just wiggly and forgets homework ALL the time. Her handwriting is atrocious unless she really focuses. Let me say again, DD thinks that she is not smart because she can’t remember anything. She will tell me that I am lying if I say that I told her four times to go brush her teeth. I can put my face right in front of hers, and she still will forget what I have said.

-Grades all 4s, 99% on all school achievement tests except the state one for some reason. She whizzes through tests and on the state test made careless errors. She will be AIG next year (4th grade) and receive Single Subject Acceleration in math. Her reading scores have her reading at a 9th grade level. Psychologist says that grade school is going well because DD’s cognitive skills are pulling her along. Psych. says it’s going to get really tough in middle school when she will be expected to be self organized and turn things in in a timely manner – executive functioning problems.

-Emotionally – this is really bringing her down. I had mentioned in an earlier post that she was having troubles, and this seems to be a big part of it. She can’t align the fact that she’s supposed to have such a “fast brain” according to the IQ tester when she can’t even remember to take her socks off when she steps into the shower!!! She is very angry as well.

-WISC scores – will be glad to post if you need them. Working Memory is lower than everything else. She did best on Perceptual Reasoning. WJ – way lower than WISC would indicate. Tester was concerned by this which is why we went to the psych. who gave the ADHD diagnosis.

504 – will be making a call for a 504 as soon as school starts back up again in the Fall.

ADHD seem like a good call?
Need additional testing?
Meds – our child can’t get to sleep already and is very thin so we are very hesitant to use ADHD meds (we work in mental health and know a lot of the side effects of ADHD meds). BUT, we are open to hearing about those who have.
Behavioral interventions? Good websites? We are going with behavioral work first with the psych.
Is there a question that I am failing to ask?
Finally – just tell me that we are suddenly going to become filled with more patience now that we know she has ADHD because this child tests us!!!! I just pray for the time that I can ask her to feed the fish, and it will happen........