So I misunderstood about math class. He is in the top level group for year 1 math. That makes me feel a lot better.

As for the hat issue, as I suspected he took someone else's hat that was lying around. So he was definitely not bullying. And the other kids were already out playing, so I don't think he was preventing someone else from playing. I mentioned today that I didn't think he should be getting special treatment, just appropriate stuff. I think that will be something to be addressed at the formal meeting. Overall I am feeling much better. Thinking he was underachieving in math did get my mind rolling on the possibility of ADHD, which has occurred to me on a number of occasions over the last few years, but he is only 5.5, so not sure if it is better just to wait and see how that goes. Although, I would say he qualifies for all 18 of the diagnostic criteria in the dsm v. But I don't know how much in interfere with his life yet. I know I get frustrated with things like getting him to get dressed or stay sitting at the dinner table, and he is always losing stuff at school. The parenting fun never ends does it smile my husband doesn't think it a problem and his teacher thinks his behaviour is within the norm, so maybe best to leave that off for now.

Last edited by Dubsyd; 06/05/14 03:08 AM.