Originally Posted by Leyla
Yes, I do have actual report cards sent by school.

HowlerKarma - in our school district, teacher's can initiate an exit process for a student (to kick a student out of the program). Given our teacher's comments, I am a little worried she is getting into something like this. that's why I seem to be sensitive about it. Her grade giving has been in the down trend, quarter after quarter without much feedback/explanation.

I'm sorry, I didn't see this reply before I posted my reply above. This happened in our school district's gifted program too - the exit process - I know a few parents who's children were asked to leave the program. If this seems to be happening, your best route to advocating successfully against it is to gather as much evidence as you can that your child belongs there. Round up all the test scores you have, as well as homework samples etc - you don't have to fling them out at the beginning of this next meeting - go to this meeting to ask your questions about grades and see what the school is saying. Then if they suggest your dd isn't performing at the level you feel she is, show your proof. If they seem adamant about exiting your child, you can also ask that they give your dd another round of the testing required for entrance into the program - there's a potential that might not work out well if she doesn't score as highly the second time, but if she did, I would argue that she needs the gifted program and what really should be happening if she's not achieving at the level she's expected to - why not? What is happening in the classroom or teaching method etc that isn't working for her? Ask that the issue be addressed in the classroom before exiting her from the program.

Best wishes,


ps - I looked back at your previous post about dd and her report card scores being lower than expected - you mentioned there that the teacher had concerns about focus and that had impacted her scores. You might find that this is something you'll need to address when talking with the principal and teacher, and should try to do it without assuming they are simply hoping to exit your dd from the program. They might *be* hoping to exit her, but the real key here is listening to their concerns - if they feel she has a challenge with focus, I'd request an IEP eligibility evaluation - and also suggest that she not be exited from the program until that process is complete.

Last edited by polarbear; 06/03/14 10:51 AM.