Originally Posted by Sweetie
And the school psychologist didn't raise a fuss, said the time she observed him he appeared on task 90% of the time (and random boys in the class were on task 96%of the time). What that had to do with anything I don't know but she signed the paper which was all I cared about.

Glad it went so much better for you this time.

The statement about the observation is because any good evaluation in a school setting ought to include an observation of the student in their natural setting. In this case, the utility of the observation is to confirm that the speed and performance issues are not the result of a lack of effort or attention on his part. The 90%/96% means the observer also confirmed that the level of on-task behavior was consistent with the classroom and that of (presumably) non-disabled peers. The comparison ratings are usually more important in the case of a student who has low on-task behavior, but when you see that the whole classroom is a hot mess, you can conclude that it's more the teacher than the student.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...