Zen, sorry for the snide comment, but this means Algebra in 2nd, with Calc in 6th for your advanced students. Regular students would have Calc in 9th. I have seen Pre-Algebra type problems in 2nd or 3rd, but it isn't a full Pre-Algebra course.
Our district starts differentiated classes in 5th. Advanced kids skip 5th grade math and do 6th grade material in 5th. More testing in 5th leads to Pre-Algebra in 6th for accelerated students, with Algebra in 7th. Advanced students take Algebra in 8th, regular students take it in 9th (not many of these).
Math and science are not part of GT in our district.
Pre-Algebra in 6th the norm for top students, though there are always a few that take it in 5th.