Originally Posted by Madoosa
Timez Attack Pc game (free at www.bigbrainz.com)

Aiden started wanting to learn them at 5, but we had the whole leaving school and therapy debacle. Then he refused to memorise anything. So I got him a little workbook called "making friends with numbers" from the guys who publish LOF (ztwist). It is awesome and he has learnt all his multiplication facts without realising it and without any rote memorisation. and the ones he is still shaky on he can work out from the stuff he knows well.

This book is child-led (even has a big disclaimer on the frong about its not for parents or teachers to mark) and it takes them through from multiplying by 10 (easy add a 0) all the way through squares, area, and ends at fractions. I check the book when he sleeps - he calls it Dessert Maths.

so in a round about way to answer your question - I don't think 6 is too young at all.

Thanks Madoosa, the books sounds intriguing - will check it out!