Pemberley, As you may know I so feel your pain. We have a similar experience. When you figure out what to say let me know, because we need it, too. We do not have too much of an issue with family or friends as they don't make any comments really but that's because they just don't see DS in that context much and I do not discuss it with anyone else much (just other people with not-typical kiddos and here). With us, it's mostly teachers and aids... I am sure others have their opinions but I don't hear them usually - thank goodness. I do know some of my friends will probably not get it and/or have their thoughts that are waiting to come out but I just don't let the conversation really go there so that solves that. I have a kind-of related issue that I am staring a thread on now. Related in the sense that I really think DS's current teachers simply do not really "see" DS.

Last edited by Irena; 05/07/14 09:08 AM.