Originally Posted by bluemagic
WOW, things are moving faster than I expected. I wrote the teacher to ask her option and suggested that there might be a language processing problem. She got back to me this afternoon and agreed with my description of the problem.

bluemagic, I think that the teacher agreeing that their might be an issue is one of the most compelling reasons to seek more info before assuming perfectionism etc - it's been my experience that teachers have a tough time recognizing expressive language problems, especially in older students, partially because there are so many other plausible explanations such as perfectionism, lack of engagement, lack of focus etc.

It's a good sign that the school is going to set up a team meeting - I would specifically request an SLP eval as part of an assessment if they agree to any testing for IEP eligibility etc. If they don't, I'd suggest considering a private eval.

Best wishes,
