With DD10 we are just holding steady at this point - no big ups or downs. We are still hoping that school will see the light and make some more changes and give her some challenges. In the mean time we are enriching at home and she is doing EPGY open enrollment. She has matured quite a bit and that has helped her control some of the classroom behaviors we have had issues with in the past. She has done very well with the differentiated spelling they did allow her to do and is working on some more advanced academics like Greek and algebra with the gifted teacher. We were extremely disappointed in the new fully digital (Pearson) curriculum our school district implemented this year in 3rd-12th grades. We were specifically told the advanced students could move ahead in the curriculum and would not be held back. What they touted did not occur and the enVision math is horrific!

DD8 now has a GIEP and is also working with the gifted teacher. She was given differentiated spelling and some accelerated math. This is working out for her to get her through the remainder of the school year, but she really wants to move to a higher level in reading groups. She is already in the highest reading group for her grade, and school wasn't willing to make any changes with just a few weeks to go. Hopefully next year the school will be willing to try something different - like letting her go to a higher grade for reading. She will start the digital Pearson curriculum, so we will have both girls going nowhere fast next year.

Future plans for next school year - ADVOCATE, ADVOCATE, ADVOCATE!!!!!!!! ...and enrichment at home!