DD14 is finishing middle school. I think that her GT LA teacher inspired her to improve her writing which already was excellent. She actually had to think a little in geometry though once again I can count the number of problems that she got wrong this year on one hand. Social Studies and Science were mostly fluff. Band was just a place holder while she waits to go to an appropriate level band in HS. She will be going into an IB program next year. I am rebelling against the IB "slave to school" mentality but she wants to do it so I am gritting my teeth.

DD12 is finishing elementary (6th grade GT). She had one of my favorite teachers at the school. This teacher has done wonderful things trying to get my 2e DD ready for middle school. We have seen tremendous growth in independence and self-confidence.

DS9 is finishing 3rd grade GT. I have to say I have been very hands off. DS loves his teacher. Much to my consternation, I never figured out how to communicate with the teacher - a first in my 9 years at this elementary school. Since this teacher does not communicate ANYTHING or return any work, I've had to guess. I think that DS has grown in LA and has been completely stagnant in Math. DS hates school math because he doesn't see the point. I'm trying to sort out more fun math-based activities to do at home.

Last edited by knute974; 04/28/14 07:58 AM.