I'm not sure how much to get into it with the teacher since she's a sub and the school year is almost over. Plus, another parent told me that the teacher was gossiping to her about various kids in the class (using names) and told her that my DD is "clueless" about what is going on in class and slow. Nice. Very professional. Just yet another example of heinous behavior in this school and thank god we are getting out.
She knows about the ADHD and that we have been experimenting with her meds and dose, she knows there is a copy of a psych report floating around (the first one we got with the WISC scores) and I told her to read it. It says right in the report that her GAI is over the 99.9th percentile and that she can be perfectionistic, has ADHD, is a visual-spatial learner, slow processing speed, and I told her that as well. So for her to run around the school putting down DD when DD tries so hard to please people, really makes me mad.

I think once we get her into the other school in the fall I will ask for a comprehensive evaluation and bring up these various tests.

geofizz, what story cubes are you using?

I can't remember who asked about the WJ but she took it about a month ago and I met with the psych (a different one than the psych who did the WISC last fall) and he told me there is no disability (other than the ADHD, although he seemed to be questioning that), she is just quirky, extremely intelligent, and over-processes information, maybe in relation to the very high perceptual reasoning score. I signed a release so that he could send me a report but I never got it. I will call and ask if I don't get it soon but I don't know that what he has to say is that meaningful anyway. It was clear to me that he had never given anyone the WJ or scored it, or worked with kids who are that gifted. I took her there because the primary care doc said he was the only person who called her back with interest in seeing DD, and gave me a referral to him (needed for insurance).