
Dr. Fagan (who died last August) and Dr. Holland revisited infants they had tested in the 1980s, and found that the Fagan scores were predictive of the I.Q. and academic achievement two decades later when these babies turned 21.

Seems to be at odds with this

Dr. Fagan wrote, �A parsimonious explanation for the findings is that later differences in I.Q. between different racial-ethnic groups may spring from differences in cultural exposure to information past infancy, not from group differences in the basic ability to process information.�

Unless all of the neonates that scored well and then went on to have high IQs and achievements 2 decades later all had the good luck to be raised in high SES and privileged environments. Am I missing something here?

Last edited by madeinuk; 04/11/14 06:11 PM.

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