Originally Posted by JazzyBluesy
if you don't mind me asking, what is your daily routine with your little one? what activities do you do on a daily basis?

I'm sorry this got lost in the thread. JazzBluesy, if you're still here, it's something like this at 2.5:

Eat (or not eat) breakfast
Free play--park, reading, trains, blocks, cooking, tools, other toys, etc. with me

Once a week DS has a group music class. We'll also have a play date with his friend, run errands, go to a museum or the library.

Lunch (or not eating)
Library/read/free play/park/watch a show with me

Cooking together and dinner
Goof with Daddy
Reading as a family/making up silly games/play fighting

So, basically a free flowing day of random play, reading, friends, and some excursions, with meals and sleep thrown in...somewhere!

What is to give light must endure burning.