More generally, I've been doing some Christmas and birthday shopping and will be excited to review DS' response to some of the new equipment, which includes:
- A balance and calibrated weight set
- A scale
- Baby soda test tubes and plastic beakers
- A prism
- A magnetic wand
- A 10x tripod magnifier
- Expanding water beads
- The sequel to the book "Mouse makes Words", I believe called "Mouse's hidden words"
- An easel
- A tool work bench
These look great! We want to play at your house. :-)
A couple things to think about adding over the next year if you don't have them in your list of toys yet... A simple sewing measuring tape and a digital watch.
My son loves to measure anything... The measuring tape is small and packs well. He also loves our tape measure from my husband's toolbox but I prefer the little fabric one.
He picked up telling time on a digital clock at some point this year from the clocks around the house and me telling him that we were going somewhere at a certain time or leaving in 5 minutes etc. He loves wearing a watch and it has headed off some tantrums to let him tell me what time it is and how much time we have left.
And maps... My son loves the world map. This one grew out of his love for the solar system and earth.