Originally Posted by puffin
I said downside to a cluster because they have put most of the gifted kids in one class then put a cap on the number of kids from each class in extension classes. It is like putting all the good teams in pool A so you end up the 3rd strongest team missing out on the semis because they had to play teams 1&2, then teams 10&11 who won pool B end up playing teams 1&2.

At this point if the kids were spread out they would have more chance of the extension. Never mind I have decided school is day are at this point.
Thanks for clarifying.

It's difficult to determine from the posts whether the school believes it is addressing the need which exists (as identified by some combination of LOG and/or demonstrated achievement or some other measure of readiness and ability)?

While some level of "competition" may be expected, and while a student who "needs" a higher challenge may be vastly different than a student who "might benefit from" a higher challenge, and while being too inclusive can create a program or service which does not serve those at the very top, other recent posts here and here have considered whether more seats ought to be opened to match the number of students who qualify for a program or service, to avoid rationing.