Originally Posted by puffin
I thought this year might be good - gt teacher, an unofficial/accidental cluster of gifted kids in a year 3/4 class with streaming in maths.
Some may say this thread is misnamed, as the topic is not truly focused on "Downside to cluster" but rather "Downside to lack of challenge for gifted".

Originally Posted by Wesupportgifted
their gift is their brain; they have it. No one can take it away from them. It does not matter what test they devise, we pass it.
Some may say this sounds more like "myths of gifted", conflating gifted with high-achieving. Gifted students, having possibly learned more information from a variety of sources may test poorly, providing answers other than what a test is seeking. Lacking appropriate challenge and support/affirmation, gifted students may also learn shame, hide their gifts, and underachieve.

The employers know about the gifted students.
Increasingly what employers may know about gifted students may be negative information, provided from the extensive data tracking created in order to assess the efficacy of such education reforms as common core: Students who cannot be pigeon-holed or who become frustrated, or develop perfectionistic tendencies as coping mechanisms for lack of appropriate curriculum and pacing may be labeled a psychological risk.

... the gifted students keep going and are able to self-teach very quickly.
Possibly an auto-didactic myth?

The government knows the facts, too...
Possibly the story shared here reveals an attempt to deny the data?

Keep exposing your child to new areas
Some may say this becomes more difficult the more damaged the student becomes by the system. As someone once said, "You can't un-bake the cake."

@puffin, I'm sorry to hear this is happening. Hopefully the support, affirmation, and enrichment you can provide at home will keep your kiddo positive and balanced. Lending support.