Originally Posted by peanutsmom
We also just found out from pediatrician that his vision is not 20/20. The HG school director actually told us her suspicion about his vision earlier because of some scores discrepancies, and to get it checked.. But pediatrician said to wait because it might self correct at some point, as he is still very young.

I would at least take him to an eye dr for a check - the fact that the HG director who is (I would expect, since she made the comment) familiar with the individual tests used said that she suspected vision issues - indicates that vision challenges might have impacted your ds' test scores. If they did - having na understanding of that might help you have a better understanding of the extent of his giftedness. The other thing is - if he has vision issues, it may be impacting his ability to learn to read etc at the rate he's able to.

Maybe it will eventually self-correct, but why not go ahead and give him glasses now if he needs them? Our ds, who's far-sightedness did self-correct, was still given a prescription for lenses.

Best wishes,
