Unfortunately our public school has an api score of only 7. So we need to go with private school. I am so thankful to you all for the honest opinions, I don't need sugar coating, and please keep it coming I am checking the thread often. I am feeling uncomfortable with my decision as well frown

Expat Mama, I guess I am hoping we'll be ok for a couple years at least.. We have a 9 months old as well and my husband is very busy at work (though very available in the weekend) so my hands are full and home schooling will be tough in the next three years at least. This is partly why we chose the non-GT school, if the GT school doesn't survive, we will be stuck in a bad corner.

Have any of you done math enrichment at home (with Khan academy, for instance), that is ahead of the school? And if so, how did the kids handle the math instruction hours at school?

I am also trying to figure out how "bad" could this be? I mean, what is the magnitude we are looking at, will he want to be a year ahead (manageable), or three (trouble)?