My son went to a wonderful GT school for two years, and then it was changed to a boarding school for overseas students wanting to learn English (new owner). Yes, it was awful that it changed and that we lost such a wonderful school. But even so, I wouldn't change what he got out of those two years. He developed his mind, was exposed to new ideas that most other schools don't bring up, made friends, and learned a lot.

It's very difficult for parents of HG+ kids when their first child enters the school system. The vast majority of us simply don't know how bad American schools truly are in general, let alone how toxic they can be to gifted kids. frown I didn't, in spite of the fact that I had been reading about their problems for a couple of years. The thing is, the stuff that makes it into print only scratches the surface. One thing that parents of very young HG+ kids often don't know is how rare it is for a school to understand even a portion of the needs of a HG+ student.

Peanutsmom, all I know about these two schools is what you've written. TBH, I'm not sure why you started this thread if you'd already made a decision. I'm also not sure about your concern that the GT school may go under if they have a waiting list. Is there another serious problem there beyond enrollment?