Update. After a lot of thinking (and nervous candy eating) we decided to go for it. DS is enrolled in a small private K for September. We'll have to go through another round of planning next year, but today are feeling good about the decision. Of course, he's looking forward to "look[ing] wicked wicked handsome" in his uniform and "math!" Smile. At the end of the day, he made it very clear where he wanted to be. It feels good to agree with and be able to support his choice, have the school confident about accepting him and willing to do the same.
Congratulations! I'm super jealous!

I wish it worked out for us too! We went for private, but they were just as strict with age requirements here as public! We've been unable to get anything better than a re-evaluation at the 6 week mark despite her graduating 2nd year pre-K in May!