Hi. I could really use some insight! DS3.11 has been enrolled in the first year of a 2 year pre k program since September (he attended preschool at same place). I've been generally happy with the level of support and accommodation they've been able to provide - here's the kicker/ the latest accommodation. Instead of continuing to pull out/ up for an hour in the morning, DS was recently transitioned fulltime to group 2. This is great. He has friends in both groups and seems to be doing really well and is enjoying it. The surprise came when we were told he's expected to graduate with the rest of the class in the spring. I've been casually looking at other programs for comparison and planning for a while, but I wasn't planning on the rush. We're looking at a private jr k program tomorrow. DS interviewed at a private K earlier in the year and would be accepted for Sept K entrance. The public school won't even screen him because of his age. Either way he'll either do extra time in pre k or a double year in K (1 private then 1 public). I think either route would be fine as long as there's enough thoughtfully prepared activities, space for exploration and potential friendships to be made. I guess I'm looking for others' experiences with early entrancing to help we weigh my thoughts on pre k and k (e.g. Re adjustment, positives and challenges, and especially eventual transition to the public schools). I'm not sure I'll be able to sustain a private primary education for DS because of cost and would love to take advantage of the public options if they are a decent fit for him later on. Thanks!